If the authors of 1970s science fiction could see the world of 2017, they would be doubly disappointed. Both aesthetically and socially, the present is a letdown when compared to the future of yore: there are no flying cars, androids, or cities on mars; disease, inequality, and violent conflict persist. Technological and social progress has taken a wrong turn. That is why NeueDringlichkeit is setting out on a voyage through time, Back to the Future. They open with an excursion to past visions of the future, preserved in an archive of robots, holograms, and time machines. Next stop is the present, where the performers of Neue Dringlichkeit establish a live connection back to their personal failed dreams and rehearse strategies to reactivate utopian thinking.
Finally we arrive in 2070: humanity has not only survived but even changed a great deal for the better. Reports from the future by outstanding individuals who contributed to this turnaround we cannot yet imagine usher in a celebration of the beauty of a new world.
Start: 20:00
Tickets: http://theaterrampe.de/stuecke/techne-zurueck-in-die-zukunft/
By Theresa Behling, Johanna Egger, Yannick Geske, Benny Hauser, Paulina Kind, Miriam Walther Kohn, Dagmar Kestner, Christopher Kriese, Maja Leo, Fabian Ristau, Lisa Schröter, Nele Solf, Michel Weber and many more
A coproduction with: Gessnerallee Zurich and Shedhalle Zurich
Supported by: Stadt Zürich Kultur, Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur, Pro Helvetia and Ernst Göhner Stiftung