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This Light is a sculpture and screening space, and an attempt to describe a free cinema that emerges out of a desire to make private viewing habits public. At a time when public space is rapidly dissolving into private property and attention is dissolving into the monetised distraction of streaming content in solitude, the cinema activates the possibilities offered through networked technology and opens the domestic up to what could be called anybody. In This Light Stuttgart hundreds of moving image works are screened. The daily playlists are approached as material intimately connected with Andrew Norman Wilson’s own artistic practice, but also as conversation pieces. That is, This Light considers how method and process can be reflected on through a continuous flow of edited moving image content. It proposes a mode of thinking through film and video, speculating on the material conditions of its making as well as mechanisms of distribution and reception. Playlists as part of This Light include, “Object Relations / Special Effects”, “3D Antimodels” and “Hope”, to mention a few.

For more information on the programme, please visit thislight.org

This Light

Andrew Norman Wilson

andrewnormanwilson, thedecencyofmeans, thislight

17/10/13 Published